World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

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Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Beitragvon Sahardoom am Do 27 Aug, 2009 14:20

Ne, im ernst.
Wer war am letzten Tag der beta online ?
Da wurden wir von den Dämonen überrannt.
Also wie wär´s mit

BÄÄÄM !!! Drache kommt raus, pfurzt einmal, alles geht put und er verpisst sich in eine Höhle in der wir ihm später den Kopp abschlagen. So was in der Art :D
Wieder da

und nebenbei
Nano Spammer
Beiträge: 1167
Registriert: So 27 Nov, 2005 22:38
Wohnort: Neuss

Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Beitragvon Helkalamot am Do 27 Aug, 2009 14:57

ich war da online und bei ner poolparty in darnassus :)
I'm so Bad, Baby I don't Care
Highway to Hel(l)
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Registriert: Do 01 Dez, 2005 20:28
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Beitragvon Helkalamot am Fr 28 Aug, 2009 08:57

* Everyone will get Cataclysm's revamp of the classic zones, regardless of what expansion(s) you own or don't own.
* It's not planned to allow players to revisit the original classic zones, but it may be something they do to expand the Caverns of Time.
* The main reason for this revamp is Blizzard felt, while leveling alts, that the classic game simply didn't meet the new standards set by The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King for quest leveling.
* There will be a "giant" world event, lasting for about a month, some time after 3.3 and Arthas is defeated that will begin to shape the coming cataclysm.
* Most classic achievements will be converted to Feats of Strength since there are substantial changes to almost every area in the classic game. New achievements will be introduced focused on the Cataclysm changes.
* The goal behind the new races were to give Alliance a "bestial" race and Horde something more gnomish.
* Faction changes will cost money and be something similar to a server transfer or name change, meaning there will no doubt be a cooldown of some sort attached to it.
* Many of the starting areas will be modified; Valley of Trials in Durotar will be completely different, for example. Elwynn Forest is one area where there won't be many changes, though, as Blizzard is mostly happy with it. You can probably expect a flight path added to Eastvale Logging Camp.
* Most of the quests that require looting items will probably have the amount you need to loot reduced.
* Camp Taurajo in the Barrens has been burned down and the Alliance now occupy the area.
* Cory Stockton was responsible for the mount changes, and it's something they primarily did to help make the early part of the game feel less grindy and slow, since later on things speed up quite a bit due to faster land and and eventually flying mounts.
I'm so Bad, Baby I don't Care
Highway to Hel(l)
Beiträge: 5192
Registriert: Do 01 Dez, 2005 20:28
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Beitragvon Surry am Fr 28 Aug, 2009 09:56

na also doch ein riesen event :) das wird bestimmt cool :) das wird nen heißer monat werden:)
Redet ohne Luft zu holen
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Registriert: So 11 Nov, 2007 10:14

Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Beitragvon Sahardoom am Fr 28 Aug, 2009 11:02

gefällt mir. :D
Wieder da

und nebenbei
Nano Spammer
Beiträge: 1167
Registriert: So 27 Nov, 2005 22:38
Wohnort: Neuss


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