Wow, die Art und Weise und die brüchige Weg der Titanen

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Wow, die Art und Weise und die brüchige Weg der Titanen

Beitragvon Elyria am Mo 14 Jun, 2010 15:40

"Pfad der Titanen" entfern - wir werden alle sterben ;)

Path of the Titans Removal
We still think it would be cool to add some kind of post-game progression to allow for player customization, but we would have to be very careful and do it right. Nobody wanted to see a feature that felt like it delivered on half its potential. Nobody wanted to be thinking about how we were going to "fix the flawed Paths system" in 5.0. If we can come up with a design we like, then we'll try again in the future.

A big part of game design is triage -- knowing when something is good enough, knowing when something can be good with just a little more work, and knowing when something is a lost cause... at least for now. There are very few WoW features that we kill outright. Most go into a design parking lot, and we get together every few months to review those features and consider what to work on next.

[...] Fortunately, one of the benefits of being Blizzard is we don't have to ship a product until we think it's ready. Our marketing department works with us on the game, but they understand that when the game is ready is ultimately up to the team. We didn't cut it because we ran out of time. We cut it because we didn't think the design we had was fun. At the high level we still like the idea, and if we can solve some of the problems we might bring it back in the future

Es ist schwierig nachzuvoll warum Blizzard das so getan hat - und auch in der Vergangenheit vielfach getan hat. Vielleicht würden wir nachher sagen wenn es dringeblieben wäre "mmh nicht so richtig das Wahre.." - vielleicht sagen wir auch jetzt "Blizzard hat mal wieder keinen Mut was richtig neues einzubauen oder Angst". Wie auch immer.


Das das "Guild Talente und Leveling" System so verändert oder nun entfernt wird - finde ich her positiv:

Guild Talents are gone
The guild talents are gone and your guild now gets extra bonuses depending on its level. There are 25 levels and each level will automatically reward with more cool stuff. The leveling process remains unchanged and your guild will gain experience through PvP, Dungeon and Raid progression, questing, etc ...

Guild currency has also been removed and rewards will just be "unlocked" after you reach a specific level or complete a guild achievement. Once a reward is unlocked, members will be able to purchase it with gold. Some of the rewards include guild tabards, mounts, heirlooms, and it looks like you will finally be able to have a guild tabard on your mount. (Just like the Argent Tournament banners)

New members of a guild won't be able to buy everything directly, they will have to contribute to the progression of the guild before they can access the top rewards. Each time a player helps towards the leveling he will gain reputation with the guild, the best rewards will require players to be exalted with their guild before they can buy it.

Das Blizzard sogar an eine Regelung für Neuzugänge gedacht hat finde ich erfreulich (Für alle die den Zugriff für Mitglieder auf die einzelnen Fächer der Gildebank jemals konfiguriert haben - die wissen das es auch besch.... geht -.-)


Für die die noch PVP machen (Forthe Horde!!! *g*) hier eine gute Nachricht - zumindest für das mit PVP-Server gebeutelte Blackhand -.-

We're currently expecting both normal and rated battlegrounds to be cross-battlegroup (within a region) for the launch of Cataclysm. So, players queueing from anywhere in north america could play vs players on any north american battlegroup, etc.


Kleiner Nachtrag aus einem Interview mit Blizzards Lead System Designer (

Frage: Can you talk us through the removal of the Path system, where exactly did it fail?

Antwort: (...) I described it recently this way: We have a designer on another team who plays WoW a lot but he took a break for a month or two to play Modern Warfare 2. When he came back he discovered in the meantime that we had reset all his talents and we had changed the functionality of some of his spells. And he said ‘you know, I know the game really well, but it was really hard to get back into it. I had to do a lot of research before I felt ready to play again.’ Feedback like that made us think hard about where the game was going and the kind of complexity that we were adding with every expansion.

Oo das find ich eine ziemlich eigenartige Erklärung - genau DESHALB spiele ich das Spiel überhaupt langfristig - WEIL es mich herausfordert, weil es (ansatzweise) schwierig ist - und WEIL man mehr als Hirn als die das Durchschnittlich amerikanische Pantoffeltierchen braucht um das Spiel zu spielen sowie zu meistern. Ich bin keine Freund davon es zu einfach zu machen und den "angehenden" 80ern auch noch beim Hintern abwischen zu helfen - das hat komischerweise bei Pacman, Mario oder bei Tetris auch keiner gemacht - weil es eine Herausforderung ist. FAIL!

So, nachdem ich meinen Unmut über ein Spiel das ich bisjetzt mit 703,36 Euro (ne ehrlich) reiner Abogebühr versorgt habe - kann ich mich nun auf das nächste Addon freuen - oh ja es sind natürlich 813,36 Euro inkl. Preis für Hauptspiel und 2 Addons ;)

Schönen Tag noch :mrgreen:
Die Dinge die ich tun kann. Die Dinge die ich tun will. Die Dinge die ich tun sollte. Alles ist das Gleiche.

Friendship`s Elite Spammer
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Registriert: So 04 Jun, 2006 18:39
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Re: Wow, die Art und Weise und die brüchige Weg der Titanen

Beitragvon Kindara am Mo 14 Jun, 2010 17:53

Elyria hat geschrieben:So, nachdem ich meinen Unmut über ein Spiel das ich bisjetzt mit 703,36 Euro (ne ehrlich) reiner Abogebühr versorgt habe - kann ich mich nun auf das nächste Addon freuen - oh ja es sind natürlich 813,36 Euro inkl. Preis für Hauptspiel und 2 Addons ;)

Das sind dann wahrscheinlich nichtmal 10ct pro Stunde Spielzeit, verglichen mit den 69,- Euro für 20 Stunden Spielzeit bei durchschnittlichen Konsolenspielen...
Friendship`s Elite Spammer
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Re: Wow, die Art und Weise und die brüchige Weg der Titanen

Beitragvon Trixxer am Mo 14 Jun, 2010 22:54


„Wer seine Meinung nie zurückzieht,liebt sich selbst mehr als die Wahrheit“
(Joseph Joubert)
Nano Spammer
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Re: Wow, die Art und Weise und die brüchige Weg der Titanen

Beitragvon Elyria am Di 15 Jun, 2010 15:30

Sehr schön zu lesen ein Kommantar zur Änderung der Raid IDs - mit einigen sehr schönen Kommantaren ^^

Raid progress and shared 10/25-Man Raid ID in Cataclysm
I don't think it is that simple. Making raid progress is a really powerful motivator for a lot of players. While we design raiding to be much more inclusive than it used to be, we still want skill to be a big component. We don't want raiding to just be about who has the most free time, but who uses that time for the most progress. To be successful, MMOs need to had wide appeal. You should be able to have a professional or social life or (heaven forbid) other games you like to play and still feel like you can make progress in WoW.

The old BG model was one that essentially rewarded who played the most. Since some players were willing to play a ridiculous and unreasonable number of hours, the numbers were tuned around that to the point at which many players felt like the feature just wasn't for them. As you point out, they could have just made very slow progress, but in reality they felt so far behind that they chose not to participate at all. While the Arena design has its limitations, one of the things I like is that you can play your matches for the week and be done.

There are plenty of players who chose 25-player raiding over 10-player raiding and had no desire to kill a boss multiple times a week, but felt like they had to do so to earn badges and loot to stay competitive. We considered models such as letting you kill a boss as many times a week as you wanted but only having loot rights once, but then we realized how horrible that was going to be for say the guild's main tank who would be asked to raid constantly without even the hope for more loot of his own.

Really we're just trying to deliver on the original LK intent, which was you choose whether you like 10 or 25.
Die Dinge die ich tun kann. Die Dinge die ich tun will. Die Dinge die ich tun sollte. Alles ist das Gleiche.

Friendship`s Elite Spammer
Beiträge: 2435
Registriert: So 04 Jun, 2006 18:39
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